Google Ads
Setup & Management
Setup & Management
Whether we like it or not as our world population grows so does the amount of new competitive businesses. As a 30 year plus entrepreneur with the last twenty years in digital marketing we have seen huge increases in competition in all industries.
Search Engines remain as one of the most reliable means for new business. Google is still King, however, Bing owned by Microsoft is doing its best to compete and is gaining traction.
With 5.6 Billion searches a day just from Google any savvy businessperson understands ranking in the top ten search results (SERPS) is crucial to gaining new customers.
Your Ads will show near the top instantly, no more waiting for what we call organic results.
Note: In some case’s if you are in an extremely competitive industry your Ad may show on the top and bottom.
There are several formats for Google Ads, text, display, maps, local, and YouTube. Text Ads are the easiest. For this article, we will focus on Google Text Ads.
Google Ads Example
The screenshot below shows an example of a search for painters in Vancouver, Canada.
As you can see these four companies are right at the top. When people are looking for products and services whether to buy now or pre-research, they typically choose Google first.
Think carefully about your last large purchase, perhaps a car, boat, bike, or vacation? If you are like the mass majority most pre-research prior to buying. Did you use Google or Bing looking for either products or services and read what others are saying, as in reviews? People still gravitate towards herd mentality and when many reviews are recommending a service it does the selling for you.
A “keyword list” are descriptive words associated with your service or products that are added to the Google Campaign. If you are not sure of all the combinations of keywords Google has tools to assist like the Keyword Discovery Tool that is found in the Google Ads Dashboard. You enter a root word and it will output keywords and an estimate of what each keyword will cost when triggering Ads.
In addition to keywords that trigger your Ads, you set the geographical areas, so your Ad only shows in areas you want more business.
When setting up a Google Ads campaign there is a section for “daily budget”, you simply enter a number and Google will maintain that budget quite accurately through each month. You can also set the maximum you are willing to pay for any given keyword click. That is in most cases a good idea otherwise you may be paying too much for the Ad Clicks.
We have seen budgets as low as $5.00 a day, however, we suggest a minimum 300-500 a month.
You also need to budget for the initial set up, 4-8 hours, and then it must be monitored and adjusted. The higher the budget the more time needed to monitor and adjust the campaign.
The return is directly proportional to the budget. We have had some customers spending up to 15K a month, with returns in the 100’s of thousands. That is not a guarantee, however, is based on a real customer located in California.
Besides the obvious benefit, new customers there is something else you get when running Ad Campaigns, DATA!
For the less experienced that means nothing, however, in running paid Ads it means everything. Every phrase, every keyword that triggered the Ads shows in your Google Ads Dashboard. And if cross-linked with Google Analytics and Google Console you have an immensely powerful means to interpret the data from real customers.
This data will assist in future decisions as in what products are the most popular, how visitors behave on your website, areas buyers reside, keyword strings that lead to Blog articles related to those phrases, and much more.
We work with many professions and a couple of examples are Cosmetic Surgeons and Lawyers. In both cases, by extracting data from the campaigns we were able to provide 100’s of phrases from real data. That data was turned into new Blogs and new Service pages.
On the law side, we created two new pages’, one for “prenups” and another for “Covid-19” law.
In the case of plastic surgeons, we found a whole new stream of income for male patients. Females have been the majority for cosmetic surgery for years; however, men are now starting to want similar procedures.
That is why data is now considered the new gold!
Closing Note: We have used Google PPC in many cases for brand new companies, all are still running right now! Versus the past with the enormous cost to advertise, new companies can now start with low budgets and become successful far faster.
Now that you’ve learned the basics of how Google Advertising works and how it allows anyone with a basic budget to be right up in the top rankings you may now see how your own business would benefit.
Our approach to working with our monthly customers is to provide more than just managing a Google Ad campaign, we study the data and work closely together creating new pages that allow your website to rank organically. That means when someone is looking for your services, they see you in Google Ads, Google Maps, Google Structured Data, and Organic results. That edge allows you to gain more business and your Brand becomes prevalent in search.
Most websites require maintenance too; all these services are included in your monthly package.
A Google Certified Partner is a company or individual that has passed difficult Google exams, this is required every year to ensure Partners are current in Google Ads. Webacom is a Google Partner for many years and has managed close to one million in Ad spend. Experience and Certification makes a huge difference in the success of any campaign. We have taken over DIY campaigns and made them more efficient that resulted in less cost and more ROI.
Call us Toll-Free North American Wide, 1-866-376-4240 (Pacific Mountain Time) Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5:30 PM, or click here to email through our secure form.